Wanda Sykes at White House Correspondents' Dinner

In case you missed it, here's a clip from Wanda Sykes performance on Saturday night at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. It seems to be causing even more of a stir than Stephen Colbert in '06.

Why has greater offense been taken? Maybe Colbert got a few free passes by speaking in character. But I'm willing to guess that Sykes race, gender and sexual orientation add insult to injury for a predominantly white, male-dominated and anti-gay party.  The general criticism seems to be that Sykes' tone was too mean-spirited, a criticism surely influenced by the fact that making aggressive jokes falls outside of the acceptable realm of behavior for women.  

Here's what Feministing had to say.

Wanda Sykes at White House Correspondents' Dinner Wanda Sykes at White House Correspondents' Dinner Reviewed by Unknown on 08.13 Rating: 5
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