New Target Women with Sarah Haskins: Michelle Obama's Arms

If you're unfamiliar with Haskins, then you have a whole series of Target Women segments awaiting your discovery.  Target Women regularly and accurately lampoons the daily barrage of annoying media and advertising aimed at the fairer sex.  Haskins has taken on yogurt and jewelry ads, WE and Showtime tv shows, and yes, even Carl's Jr.  

Haskins is herself a Chicago native, Harvard grad and former Second Citizen.  She's won quite the cult following among all types (even Entertainment Weekly!).  At her WAM! performance, she received a standing ovation before she even spoke.  

She's able to critically examine how mainstream media treats women without alienating those with an aversion to big bad scary feminism.  She's cool, she's hilarious and she's raising our media literacy, one viral video at a time.  

New Target Women with Sarah Haskins: Michelle Obama's Arms New Target Women with Sarah Haskins: Michelle Obama's Arms Reviewed by Unknown on 07.50 Rating: 5
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