March 21-25 Boston's Women In Comedy Fesival

We wouldn't be your #4 trusted source in all things gender and humor if we didn't remind you of the upcoming Women in Comedy Festival in Boston. Aside from shows, there are workshops to get your comedy bootcamp on.  So what are you waiting for? You have three whole weeks to find a way to Boston.

As Lane Moore writes, over at Feministing:

I can’t express how much I want to see a variety of voices out there and the only way to do that is by supporting events like this one and finding ways to support and encourage yourselves to go boldly in the direction of “that thing you do on the side”. Women, queers, and trans people already have so many hurdles to leap over when it comes to visibility in the arts that the last thing we need is to be the ones stopping ourselves.
March 21-25 Boston's Women In Comedy Fesival March 21-25 Boston's Women In Comedy Fesival Reviewed by Unknown on 18.43 Rating: 5
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