The Skinny...

We're in the midst of planning our upcoming launch (read: launch party!).  Our quarterly and blog will be up at before you know it.    In the meantime, one way to stay connected is to join us our Facebook group.   Or you can follow us on Twitter.  

We're also looking for a few good bloggers to join our communal blog.  Interested?  Send Caitlin a note at wisecrackzine AT gmail DOT com, with a link to your writing and a note about yourself.  
Looking to submit something?  Anna, our Submissions Editor can be reached at submissions DOT wisecrackzine AT gmail DOT com.   She's always accepting pitches, narrative essays, and articles (although read this entry first.)

The Skinny... The Skinny... Reviewed by Unknown on 06.51 Rating: 5
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